「おとぎ話の秘密書庫 1」
" The secret library of North Yokohama Folk Tales 1"
a artistsbook with DVD and map
graphics by Grimm Twins & Akiko Nishimura
This book was created for the "Almond 凸凹 Community Art Project2017"
with collaboration of Scuola del Libro of Urbino
organized by Almond Community Network,
a Certified Non-Profit Organization in Yokohama, Japan
supported by Yokohama Artsite
2017 in Italy and Japan
「おとぎ話の秘密書庫 1」
" The secret library of North Yokohama Folk Tales 1"
a artistsbook with DVD and map
graphics by Grimm Twins & Akiko Nishimura
This book was created for the "Almond 凸凹 Community Art Project2017"
with collaboration of Scuola del Libro of Urbino
organized by Almond Community Network,
a Certified Non-Profit Organization in Yokohama, Japan
supported by Yokohama Artsite
2017 in Italy and Japan
il 20 aprile 2018 Abbiamo consegnato i libri creati in Giappone
agli studenti della Scuola del Libro di Urbino che
avevano partecipato al proggetto!
agli studenti della Scuola del Libro di Urbino che
avevano partecipato al proggetto!